19 7th 4 Rapport Birthday

Today is a special and somewhat emotional occasion at 1974 Rapport as we celebrate our 7th Birthday 🎂 and it’s all thanks to you guys that we have reached this milestone.
So, 7 years ago I had nothing more than a bit of an idea, some knowledge of RPE / face fit testing / Asbestos and a whole lot of enthusiasm… no clients, no premises, no equipment and not even a company name!

"1974” is acknowledgment of the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 and “Rapport” is an affinity / alignment with its principals to protect workers… plus it rhymes! So 1974 Rapport Limited “born” and has steadily grown ever since.

Our team still get the same level of excitement with every booking as if it was our first and try to maintain the highest levels of service for each and every client.

7 years down the line and we have a large and growing list of fantastic clients from a diverse range of sectors; this could include SME's to multinationals and a plethora of NHS trusts.
We now have a network of face fit testers spanning the length and breadth of the country.

1974 Rapport is one of only 9 organisation that are fit2fit approved to test and train in both the Qualitative and Quantitative face fit test Methods.
We are a BSIF Registered safety supplier stocking a wide range of RPE from the world’s leading manufacturers, we are privileged to have their ongoing support allowing us to solve all manner of RPE related requirements.

We have a dedicated testing and training centre in the Midlands, our home!
All of this would not be possible without you; our clients, suppliers, consultants, training providers, testers / trainers, industry peers and awarding bodies.
